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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]You should receive acknowledgement of your order shortly, followed by a copy of the book itself.

I sincerely hope that you find the information helpful, whether you are preparing your own brand story, or you are assisting someone else in your role as a consultant, designer, writer, good friend….

As promised I’ll happily look at your website home page and suggests ways in which the approaches, techniques and insights from the book could be used to improve your own brand story – just email me on with your website URL if you’d like this free input.

I’ll also send you regular updates from Stories that sell – articles on current brand building best practice, case studies analysing how successful companies are refreshing their brand stories and insights into the current state of the marketing industry.

In return I have a couple of favours to ask you:

If you like the book please recommend it to anyone else you feel could benefit from it.

I’d also be delighted if you could review it on one (or all!) of these sites.
Amazon, iBooks, Google, Kobo.

If you are part of an organisation (or know of one) that might be interested in having me talk at an event, or provide a workshop, let’s talk.

Finally, if you read the book and benefit from it, I’d love to hear your story and share your success.

Kind regards,
