by 2020_56ho6v | Feb 17, 2020
Calling all motorists. It’s cheaper and quicker by train. Wales and West Trains Wales & West Trains had some pretty cheap fares that they wanted to promote – so cheap that they figured motorists might think to themselves “Hang on a minute, at those prices it... by 2020_56ho6v | Feb 7, 2020
Speaking the customer’s language. Jayline Fork Lift Truck Accessories A friend of mine asked me to help him develop a little business he was developing. This involved selling pads for fork lift trucks (not your everyday assignment!). One type of pad protected the... by 2020_56ho6v | Feb 7, 2020
Rich property pickings in Bulgaria. BG Developments Before the credit crunch of 2008 a lot of people were investing in holiday homes from the Costa Del Sol to the shores of the Black Sea. A Bulgarian developer keen to tap into the British market approached DB... by 2020_56ho6v | Feb 7, 2020
Giving a charity a strong story and a clear sense of direction 1625 Independent People 1625 Independent People is a Bristol-based charity that makes sure vulnerable young people get the support they need to make a fresh start with their lives. Amongst other things it...