Bytomic Martial Arts Equipment

Bytomic Martial Arts Equipment

Complete rebrand of the UK’s largest importer of martial arts clothing and equipment Bytomic Martial Arts Equipment On this occasion I was asked to create a complete new brand story from scratch.  This involved not just the background thinking for the positioning,...
Clover Low Fat Spread

Clover Low Fat Spread

An advertising challenge straight from hell. Clover Low Fat Spread I did this campaign when I was at Young & Rubicam in London, working with art director Paul Pickersgill.  The brief asked us to create a “tastes buttery” story.  And insisted that it had to have...
Stubbs White Rum

Stubbs White Rum

A taste as distinctive as the place it came from. Stubbs White Rum In the early 90’s I was a copywriter at Young & Rubicam, in their London office, working with Art Director Paul Pickersgill.  We had started on the agency’s least sexy accounts (narrowly escaping...
International Business Wales

International Business Wales

Bringing a bit of sex, drugs and rock and roll into B2B International Business Wales Wales is well known for many of things – rugby, sheep, unpronounceable place names, Tom Jones, the Millennium Stadium, Dylan Thomas, coal mining, wet weather, Charlotte Church.  But...


The gift that keeps on giving Oxfam I was asked to write the first ever Oxfam Unwrapped Christmas catalogue.  It was designed by Hunter Design but I had to work directly with the people at Oxfam. The way the catalogue worked was not to buy a gift for your friend or...